Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Steampunk High Heel

3:30 AM 3 Comments
Bj, owner of Cheery Lynn Designs wanted me to share with you some cute cards made by one of our customers, Pam Garrard.  She has used the Cheery Lynn Designs Steampunk High Heel die to make some very stylish cards.   For the next two cards, she has used the angel wing portion of the die rather...

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Mother's Day Challenge Winners

3:25 AM 11 Comments
  In honor of Mother's Day, Bj Dywan, owner of Cheery Lynn Designs has decided that everyone is a winner.  So we have 16 winners this week.     Congratulations, ladies.  Please contact me for your $20 shopping spree to Cheery Lynn Designs.  And thank you to everyone who joined in...

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Li’l House on the Prairie by Julie Lavalette

3:30 AM 16 Comments
Hello Everyone, It's Julie Lavalette  here today and I am so excited to be sharing this post with you all. When Cheery Lynn showcased the release of their Wagon Wheel at the beginning of the year I immediately fell in love with it and thought it must be part of a 3D project. I will not go into every detail...

Friday, April 25, 2014

Smile Card

3:30 AM 2 Comments
  Hello Everyone!   Corina here with you today, to share my card that I created using the new Dandelions (Set of 2) die. When you purchase this die (and I know you will!) it comes with a left and right: I cut it out 4 time (both parts) and then cut the stems off. I creased the bottoms...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Cheery Lynn Designs "Crossover™"

3:30 AM 6 Comments
Have you heard the news?  Cheery Lynn Designs is introducing The "Crossover™"; a quilt, fabric and paper die cutting machine available May 2014.  The "Crossover™" is packaged in a handy carrying case with handles, shoulder straps and velcro strips that can be attached to a mobile cart. This sleek machine...

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Pretty in Purple Challenge Winner

3:25 AM 2 Comments
What wonderful entries we had last week. The winner of our Pretty in Purple Challenge is   #7 Katie Craig   Congratulations, Katie.  Please contact me for your $20 shopping spree to Cheery Lynn Designs.  And thank you to everyone who joined in on the challenge.  We hope to...

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Thistle Embellishment Tutorial by Julie Lavalette

3:30 AM 4 Comments
Happy Easter to Everyone. It's Julie Lavalette here today hosting the blog and I can’t believe how fast this month is going in as Guest Designer. I love sharing my crafty ideas with you all and today I thought I would show you how to make a Thistle from Embellishment#1, when I first saw this die I thought it...

Friday, April 18, 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Elegant Lighthouse card

3:30 AM 2 Comments
We have another wonderful card from Jean Bronaugh featuring the beautiful Lighthouse die from the Nautical series.  Jean loves to sew little bead work onto her cards, which she has done around the edges of the gorgeous Horizon Oval Boutique Stacker Frames.  It gives such a elegant look to them.  Thank...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 2014 New Release

3:30 AM 11 Comments
Today is new release day here at Cheery Lynn Designs.  The team has been working hard to bring you some amazing samples with the new dies.  Be sure to visit the Cheery Lynn Designs website to see all of the new release.  To see more details of each project, click on the team members name to go to their...
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